Technique and Procedural Benefits of Thigh Liposuction

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The accumulation of fat in the thighs is a common concern for many people, especially for women. Thigh fat is caused by many factors such as genetics, hormonal factors, a sedentary lifestyle, and weight gain. Over time, the accumulation of excess fat can lead to a significant rise in the size of the thighs, making them appear extremely unsightly. Inner thigh fat can cause chafing and discomfort. Thigh liposuction in NYC is the best way to get rid of thigh fat and get smoother, more contoured thighs.

About Fat Accumulation in the Thighs

If you take in more calories than your body can burn, your body will store additional calories. This is where the fat comes into play. Lack of exercise and eating a diet heavy in sugar and fat, is the primary cause of weight gain.

Body fat storage is greatly influenced by genetic factors, especially in women. Women tend to store most of their fat in the lower abdomen, thighs, and hips. Men can also have some amount of thigh fat, even though they typically store it in the abdomen. Fat stored subcutaneously or beneath the skin can be removed with thigh liposuction. Subcutaneous fat can accumulate in various areas of the thighs, including the inner thighs, outer thighs, and front of the thighs.

Addressing fat accumulation in the thighs often involves a combination of a healthy diet, regular exercise. When these strategies don’t work, liposuction is the best solution.

How is Thigh Liposuction Performed?

Thigh liposuction is one of the most frequently requested plastic surgery procedures. In leading Manhattan plastic surgery practices, the procedure is performed using the minimally-invasive Smartlipo Triplex device. It used three strong laser wavelengths 1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm to remove extra fat from the thighs. Laser energy is delivered using the device’s tiny cannula to direct laser energy to the treatment site. The heat liquefies the extra fat, making it easier to remove. Laser-assisted thigh lipolysis requires only local anesthesia and small incisions.

Benefits of Thigh Liposuction

● Your overall appearance improves since your toned thighs make you appear more proportionate and better fit for your overall body type.
● This procedure eliminates chafing, the painful and uncomfortable condition caused when the inner thighs rub against each other.
● Since the procedure is minimally-invasive, it comes with short downtime and quick recovery.
● When the excess fat is removed from the thigh area, you are no longer restricted in your clothing choices.

The following people are a good fit for Smartlipo Triplex laser liposuction:

● Non-smokers
● Those close to their target weight
● Eat a balanced diet, work out frequently, and lead a healthy lifestyle
● Have good skin elasticity
● Do not have any serious medical conditions

It is normal to have some discomfort, swelling, and bruises following the procedure, but these side effects usually resolve quickly.

If you're thinking about getting thigh liposuction in NYC, choose an AAAASF-accredited practice that employs experienced and skilled plastic surgeons. After confirming that you are a good candidate for the procedure, an expert will create a customized treatment plan to help you achieve more toned and sculpted legs.

keywords: Thigh Liposuction, Smartlipo

member since: May 03, 2024 | Viewed: 57

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